Wednesday, April 24, 2013
[This was meant to be posted last week, but only got around to finishing it up today!]
I feel like I've been getting quite ahead of myself lately - there's still one exam left, but my mind had already been in summer break mode for the past month or so. So what have I been doing to foolishly strip myself away from the necessities of studying? Cooking of course, and then eating afterwards. After putting my crepe maker into constant use for a couple of months with cheese-filled, fruit-filled, cream-filled, or sugar-topped crepes, I've switched over to my deep-holed electric waffle maker.
I feel like I've been getting quite ahead of myself lately - there's still one exam left, but my mind had already been in summer break mode for the past month or so. So what have I been doing to foolishly strip myself away from the necessities of studying? Cooking of course, and then eating afterwards. After putting my crepe maker into constant use for a couple of months with cheese-filled, fruit-filled, cream-filled, or sugar-topped crepes, I've switched over to my deep-holed electric waffle maker.
Oh yes, I emphasize the deep-holed because I like it when the sauce/cream/cheese gets to accumulate and overflow. When I was younger, I'd like to have a bit of butter and syrup in each hole - didn't you ever encounter those moments of OCD-ness in your earlier years too?
I guess that preference of mine has lingered all the way to now, and whether the topping be sweet or savory, I like every bite of waffle to have some sort of topping (because plain waffles are, well, plain).
Besides making cooking fresh fruits (strawberry, blueberry, banana...), red bean has also been well accepted amongst my friends. But one night, after lovely European friend and I spent a good day at Farmer's Market Thursdays, we picked up a nice wedge of brie, and decided that night was the night: to have a waffle meal.
I whipped up the typical amount I'd make for 4 people, but the two of us. We put cooked spinach, cheese, polish sausage, and heaping dollops of sour cream on our warm waffles, to be accompanied with grainy mustard and ketchup.

Polish sausage, brie topped waffle
Anyway, I have intended this to be a short and sweet (and savoury) post, so I will put an end to my blabbering with my simple, easy-to-prepare waffle batter recipe:
~ Ingredients ~
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup flour
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
4 tbsp oil or melted butter
~ Method ~
1. Lightly beat the eggs and milk. Add 1 tsp flavour extract (vanilla, almond...) if you want.
2. Mix flour, salt, sugar, baking powder in another bowl.
3. Lightly mix the flour into the eggs and milk. It should still be lumpy!
4. Mix in the oil or butter.
5. Pour into a heated waffle pan, heat until it is golden brown and serve warm.

Cream cheese, honey, strawberry topped flaxseed waffle
I also finally picked up some blood sausage at FMT that day as well. Perhaps I shouldn't have asked for half of it, because it leaves the cut end open, and when it cooked, the blood and other stuff inside the sausage started spilling out. I pan fried the sausage with onions, then used it to top white rice.
Pictures of this dish don't look good, and seeing it in-person doesn't make it look any better either. You'll just have to trust me on this one: it tastes remarkably flavourful and the different textures in the sausage make this dish a one-bowl-meal (oh yes, I also threw in a handful of shredded blanched veggies in there) (:

I've also been wanting to share the instances where we've cut up a package of bacon, half an onion, and pan fried it all until it looks like so:
Bacon and its fat tastes really good with rice.
How are you preparing yourself for the warm weather?